Monday, March 12, 2007

The choice of Sandals

A good friend of mine of 20 years, recently had a discussion with me about our respective choices of sandals. This conversation started when he mentioned that he acquired some "quality" sandals in Hawaii for $250 USA smackeroos. Intrigued, my mind was racing to guess what kind of pimp sandals my comrade had purchased. Could they be D&G? YSL, perhaps? or Prada??

"Mephisto" he replied.

Mephisto... now, what exactly is a Mephisto? To me, it sounds like a evil Sea Warrior welding a giant golden trident with gills and scaly skin. But no, after some research, it turns out that Mephisto has much deeper darker roots.

According to wikipedia, Mephisto was the first to join with Lucifer during the rebellion against God at the beginning of time. When the rebel angels were banished from Heaven, Mephisto was the second to fall, after Lucifer. In exchange for his loyalty, Lucifer granted him power in Hell, appointing him his second-in-command.

So, I asked my friend for a picture of his SLIPPERS of SATAN.

As you can see from the picture, they are like hiking boot sandals. Perfect for trekking and kayaking in the Pacific Northwest or more active activities such as rebelling against God.

While these are not my first choice for sandals, let alone footwear, my friend stands by these sandals as Mephisto stood by Lucifer. The words "Comfortable, Durable, Breathability" came up. Im sure they are all those and more, but what do they go with?

It seems like it would be hard to find a pair of jeans that go well with these.
Do you wear these with or without socks? and if so, what color socks? White to contrast? or brown to blend?

I am just not convinced....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

those are gross.